Saturday, November 17, 2007

around the world, day #27 con't

day #27 con't Wadi Rum, Jordan

our wonderful driver. he knows Wadi Rum like the back of his hand. the perfect route and timing, exactly where he could go super fast and then skid on the sand and which way is the easiest for us to climb up on the rocks. and every time we would stop he would open all the doors and blare local music super loud.

to finish off the day our driver went to the best sunset watching place and we hung out there for a while. he had bought fruit on the way and cut that up for us. he built a fire and made us tea. and we watched the stars come out. his name is Abdullah.

Friday, November 16, 2007

around the world, days #26 - #27

day #26 on-board, Indian Ocean

day #27 Petra, Jordan port #5

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Thursday, November 08, 2007

around the world, days #24 - #25

day #25 on-board, pool deck

Bulgarian night. lots of Bulgarian crew.

day #24 on-board, pool deck

sports day. this is an event that kids do in Japan every year mainly in elementary school and sometimes up through high school. it’s taken very seriously with students starting to prepare about two months before the event. many people took it just as seriously when we held the event on the boat. there were four teams. here is my team- red doing tug-of-war.

and the blue team doing performance event.

and the award ceremony. my team won!!!

Monday, November 05, 2007

around the world, day #23

day #23 con’t Aden, Yemen port #4

the nice guys (even though they may not look it here) that shared there lunch with us.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

around the world, days #22 - #23

day #23 Aden, Yemen port #4

day #22 onboard, pool deck

Arabian night. our crew members came from all over the world and throughout the voyage we would have special nights where groups from different countries would hold a party with traditional dinner and drinks, music and dancing, and some performance.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

recently in Japan


Aoi demonstrating the best way to scare snakes away before we went for a walk in the woods.


Thursday, November 01, 2007

around the world, days #18 - #21

day #21 onboard, Will’s, Jon’s, and Kevin’s cabin

little party.

day #20 onboard, theater

Jon, Chihiro, and i did a series of events together called Peace Boat Math. we would talk to the captain, bar tenders, cruise director, etc. and get information and statistics about the boat and passengers and so on and then make math problems (that’s what is up on the screen in the background). here we are trying not to melt as we wait for everyone to finish working on the problem. if you think this is strange i think you are right, i totally agree with you (it was all Jon’s idea) but it was fun.

day #20 onboard, sports bar

one of the oldest passengers. maybe 84 years old.

day #19 onboard, sports bar

two of our beloved interpreters.

day #18 onboard, theater

some of the English teachers did a workshop on travel safety. here we have the second appearance of our very own Peace Boat superhero. you may remember her from day #5 when she was saving the day as Captain Communication. here she is giving a helping hand as Captain Common Sense. she is also one of my roommates.